here's a post that i got from allakhazam a very, very, very long time ago. yes, im notorious for being a packrat so i keep all kinds of crap on my computer, at home, etc.
Sometimes Gobs have bad days too.
Goblin Leecher: Hey dude.
Goblin Gambler: Heyo.
Goblin Leecher: What'cha doing?
Goblin Gambler: Soloing.
>>Goblin Gambler casts Bind.
>>The Mithra Monk is bound.
Goblin Gambler: Hah, owned.
Goblin Leecher: Those guys have Hundred Fists, you gonna be all right?
Goblin Gambler: Hm, you're right. Wanna party?
Goblin Leecher: Um, sure I guess.
>>Your invititation was declined.
Goblin Gambler: {Huh?!!}
Goblin Leecher: Er sorry, wrong button.
Goblin Leecher: I'd feel better about this if we had a tank, though.
>>The Mithra Monk's Bind effect wears off.
Goblin Gambler: Crap, we'll lose it. I'll search as we go.
Goblin Gambler: Man this lag is killing me.
Goblin Leecher: That's what happens when there's like 300 mobs in the same zone.
Goblin Gambler: Yeah.
Goblin Gambler: It's heading for Selbina. Kinda dangerous there. You have Invis?
Goblin Leecher: No, spent all my money on Cure III. :(
Goblin Gambler: Oh. I guess we'll be ok.
Goblin Leecher: We're getting close, anything?
Goblin Gambler: Nothing yet. :/
Goblin Mugger: Hey guys!
>>Goblin Gambler is grinning to himself.
Goblin Leecher: Sweet.
Goblin Gambler: Invite sent.
Goblin Mugger: {Thanks for inviting me.} What're we hunting?
Goblin Gambler: Chasing a Monk at the moment.
Goblin Mugger: Guess I'm tanking. Anybody else coming?
Goblin Leecher: Just us 3 at the moment.
Goblin Butcher: /sh LVL 18 WAR lfg!
Goblin Mugger: Man, only low-levels are looking to party right now.
Goblin Gambler: Wtf, this guy's going toward Selbina, is he nuts?
Goblin Leecher: As long as he doesn't train anything on us I don't care.
>>Ghoul waves to Goblin Mugger.
>>Goblin Mugger waves to Ghoul.
Goblin Leecher: Man I wish I could solo like that guy.
Goblin Mugger: Yeah, {Blood Saber} rox.
Goblin Mugger: I don't see any Monks.
Goblin Gambler: Crap, must've zoned.
Goblin Leecher: :|
>>The Hume Warrior uses Provoke on Goblin Butcher.
Goblin Butcher: oh crap I got aggro
Goblin Butcher: can u guys help
Goblin Gambler: ...
Goblin Mugger: It's T to me.
Goblin Leecher: T
Goblin Gambler: Oh well why not.
/t Goblin Butcher Accept Invite.
>>Goblin Butcher: ok
[Battle spam goes here]
Goblin Butcher defeats the Hume Warrior.
Goblin Butcher: yay I got xp
Goblin Gambler: You'd be better off soloing EP's till you're higher level.
Goblin Butcher: yeah I know, I'll leave you guys alone
Goblin Butcher: can I get protect first though
Goblin Leecher: Sure.
>>Goblin Leecher casts Protect.
>>The Goblin Butcher gains the effect of Protect.
Goblin Butcher: ^^ thx
Goblin Leecher: No problem.
Goblin Mugger: Uh-oh guys, I think I got aggroed.
>>The Elvaan White Mage hits Goblin Mugger for 48 points of damage.
Goblin Mugger: Yep, definitely aggroed.
Goblin Gambler: WTF!
Goblin Leecher: Uh-oh.
Goblin Gambler: /sh OK, who trained a high level mob to the Selbina zoneline?
Damselfly: /sh Not me.
Snipper: /sh wasn't me.
Hill Lizard: /sh Nope.
Valkurm Emperor: /sh Dammit, dead again.
Bogy: /sh You really should set your HP in some other zone.
Goblin Butcher: it says "strength is impossible to gauge"
Goblin Leecher: Yeah, all the mobs with blue names are like that.
Goblin Mugger: I'm getting pounded here guys, can I get a heal?
>Goblin Leecher begins casting Cure III.
>The Elvaan White Mage casts Silence.
>Goblin Leecher is silenced.
Goblin Gambler: Damn.
Goblin Leecher: Echo Drop anyone?
>>Hume Warrior uses Provoke on the Goblin Butcher.
Goblin Mugger: Wow that one has a short respawn timer.
Goblin Butcher: sry guys :(
Goblin Gambler: It's OK.
>>The Elvann White Mage casts Regen II
>>The Elvaan White Mage gains the effect of Regen.
Goblin Leecher: What a showoff.
Goblin Mugger: You guys better get away, you'll be next.
Goblin Gambler: It'd just follow us.
Goblin Leecher: Yeah.
>>Goblin Mugger was defeated by the Elvaan White Mage.
Goblin Leecher: >_<
Goblin Mugger: Good luck guys.
Goblin Gambler: Crap, out of MP.
Goblin Leecher: Wish I could use mine.
>>Goblin Leecher fumes.
>>Goblin Butcher was defeated by the Hume Warrior.
Goblin Butcher: ;_;
Goblin Gambler: Oh well, here goes nothing.
>>Goblin Gambler uses Goblin Rush.
>>The Elvaan White Mage takes 14 points of damage.
Goblin Gambler: Well that did a lot.
>>Goblin Gambler was defeated by the Elvaan White Mage
Goblin Gambler: Sorry guys.
Goblin Mugger: Not your fault.
>>Goblin Leecher's Silence effect wears off.
Goblin Leecher: that happens.
Goblin Gambler: Heal and run, see if you can get Bogy to get it off you.
>>Goblin Leecher casts Cure III
>> Goblin Leecher gains 178 HP.
Goblin Leecher: I forgot to use Divine Seal T_T
Goblin Mugger: :/
Goblin Leecher: Oh well I'm suiciding.
>>Goblin Leecher uses Bomb Toss.
>>The Elvaan White Mage talkes 28 points of damage.
>>Goblin Leecher falls to the ground.
Goblin Gambler: Thanks, but I think we'll just homepoint.
Goblin Butcher: ok
Goblin Mugger: I think I'll go farm some Tarus.
Goblin Leecher: At least I didn't level down.
Goblin Gambler: I guess we should bring more people next time.
Goblin Mugger: Yeah.
Goblin Leecher: See you guys later, I'm getting another party.
Goblin Gambler: Ok, seeya.